Posts Tagged With: Painting

Draw or paint your feelings – Compassion

“Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.”
Lamentations 3:32 (NIV)



Welcome to the Monthly Drawing/Painting Challenge

The themes for this challenge will come up monthly –  each 1st week, so you will have enough time to work on your project/-s. You can enter this challenge as many times as you wish. Show us your feelings and emotions, but most important – release them and feel free and happy!
If you feel like to add a few words just go ahead!
If you are not very good at drawing or painting or this is just not your cup of tea and you still would love to participate in, show us your feelings and emotions through your photos or words. Express yourself by the way you prefer.
This challenge is for everyone!

Recent and past theme: Compassion (April)
Kindness (March)
Anger (February)
Love (January)

Upcoming themes:
Stress (May)
Fear (June)


How to participate:

1. Create a new post titled “Draw or paint your feelings – Compassion” and use the tag “DrawOrPaintYourFeelings or DPF”
2. Add your drawings, paintings, photos or words
3. Paste the link of your post to my comments so the other bloggers can find your link, visit your blog, leave comments, interact by any way
4. If you wish to get notifications about new prompts don’t forget to follow me


Helping to an injured baby swan


The place filled with love and grief

She was standing at a fresh tomb

wiping her tears with a white cloth,

looking at the wooden cross

and the flowers covering the grave.

Her daughter held her shoulders

and kissed her wrinkled hand.

She knew what her mother felt,

she stand with her at the tomb of her love,

just few months ago.

This place was filled with love and grief,

that terrible illness was such a thief!

It took both of them.

Now mother and daughter feel same,

love, compassion and a great pain.






Categories: Draw or paint your feelings, God, Faith, Bible, Nature, Paintings/Drawings, photography, Poems | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Captured for brushes and paints – Clover and ladybird

Beside my beloved swans I feel always joy seeing ladybirds. It doesn’t matter what colour. I saw red ones with black dots, yellow ones with black dots and black ones with red dots, also red ones without dots. I will maybe create a display of them one day as I did with the dragonflies and damselflies 🙂 , but for now here is the next of my watercolour painting from my “Captured for brushes and paints” series.


Clover and ladybird

Clover and ladybird

Clover and ladybird

Categories: Captured for brushes and paints, Nature, Paintings/Drawings, photography | Tags: , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

29 hours without electricity

Dear bloggers, readers, followers!

I just want to apologize that I didn’t post my weekly posts “Sunday Photo Hunting” and “From ordinary to artistic”, but since yesterday 4pm we were without electricity. 😐
I will post both soon and participate in the challenges I used to.

I need to admit I felt a little frustrated after I woke up today, but this feeling disappeared with the rising sun and my motivation to turn the next few hours without the power to something useful.
Yesterday I cooked the dinner at the candle light and today I fried all the fish filets because it got melted and I wasn’t sure when the power will come back. Well we can enjoy it for the next three days 😄.

Sitting on the stairs, getting some sun I decided to create something nice, so I took the three old pots I found in our backyard and here is the result of playing with the acrylic colours.


teapot with red poppies


teapot with flowers and butterflies


frying pot with dandelions


all three together

I gifted all three pots to our landlord for his flowers ☺ and he liked them a lot.

My husband practiced some chess since he couldn’t work (he is an online English teacher) and after I finished painting the pots, he asked me to teach him how to paint.
I gave him one of my older drawings and told him to start with it.


An English teacher's art class ☺

I think this is coming along very nicely. He didn’t enjoy it for a long time though because it started to get late and the darkness fell again on our house and yard.
He maybe will finish it tomorrow or by the next power outage. ☺
I think he will spend his spare time practicing some more chess instead. 

Blessed night/morning!

Categories: About Me, Paintings/Drawings, People, photography | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments

Captured for brushes and paints – My beloved Gus

I am glad I found this project called Sketch a day project by Artsy-Fartsy Human.
I became very inactive as it is relates to drawing and painting and I started to feel – especially the last few weeks – that I am wasting one of my biggest gifts from God.

I am not going to give any promises that I will work on my projects each day though the challenge is called Sketch a day project, but I will definitely practice more often. Painting is about feelings and expressions similar to writing and can’t be done under a pressure however I know some bigger projects are done by this way, but that’s more about a business not a spare time.

So here is my next painting from my series “Captured for brushes and paints”



Categories: Captured for brushes and paints, Paintings/Drawings | Tags: , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Challenges for all of you – express yourself by any way

Thank you for liking and participating in my challenges.

You still have two weeks to participate in the Draw or paint your feelings challenge with the ANGER theme.

I am also waiting for your entries for the weekly photo editing challenge From ordinary to artistic and weekly photo challenge From above

If you have any questions or submissions for the weekly themes, feel free to leave me your ideas in the comments below.

Wish all of you a great and creative week!


Categories: Draw or paint your feelings, From above, From ordinary to artistic, photography, Poems | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Draw or paint your feelings – Anger

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”
James 1:19 (NIV)


“Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly”
Proverbs 14:29 (ESV)




Welcome to the Monthly Drawing/Painting Challenge

The themes for this challenge will come up monthly –  each 1st week, so you will have enough time to work on your project/-s. You can enter this challenge as many times as you wish. Show us your feelings and emotions, but most important – release them and feel free and happy!
If you feel like to add a few words just go ahead!
If you are not very good at drawing or painting or this is just not your cup of tea and you still would love to participate in, show us your feelings and emotions through your photos or words. Express yourself by the way you prefer.
This challenge is for everyone!

Recent and past theme: Anger (February)
Love (January)

Upcoming themes:
Kindness (March)
Compassion (April)
Stress (May)
Fear (June)


How to participate:

1. Create a new post titled “Draw or paint your feelings – Anger” and use the tag “DrawOrPaintYourFeelings or DPF”
2. Add your drawings, paintings, photos or words
3. Paste the link of your post to my comments so the other bloggers can find your link, visit your blog, leave comments, interact by any way
4. If you wish to get notifications about new prompts don’t forget to follow me


Angry Gus

Angry Gus

Each winter swan males are fighting for their territory on the river. This shot was taken in winter 2008. Gus showed us how angry he can get and he didn’t allow to any swan enter his territory. They should swim far from his territory, but as soon as they entered the invisible borders he immediately attacked them.




It loves to be fed
by delicious thoughts
and become yellowish red,
burning you from inside out,
giving you only nasty words.
Poisoning your mind and soul
and have you fully under control.
Don’t let it get you destroy,
your weapons are love and joy.

Categories: Draw or paint your feelings, God, Faith, Bible, Nature, Paintings/Drawings, photography, Poems | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Blog at

Print and Packaging Solutions


World Of Words

The flowers of the fiction plant rooted in my brain, the voice of the inexpressible feelings hidden in my heart and the eruption of the theories burning in my mind– I made a ball out of the three, threw it high into the sky and it landed right at my blog.

To participate in the Ragtag Daily Prompt, create a Pingback to your post, or copy and paste the link to your post into the comments. And while you’re there, why not check out some of the other posts too!

Mindlovemisery's Menagerie

A dose of fetish. Good friends. An incomparable muse.

Putting My Feet in the Dirt

Thoughts and Perspectives From the Mind of a Common Girl


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